Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 10. Finally a tolerable human being.

Is it too early to say I just met my soulmate?

Yeah. Definitely is. Especially since I don't believe in 'soul-mates'.
Anyway he's kind of my ideal friend. Ryan.

He's a fuckin smartass.
Honors Program [Applying for since I meet all the requirements, just need letters of rec.]
Ambassadors Club [Which I was already joining]
And he's a morning person.
He's got these great twitches and he's completely socially inept and tall.
Blue eyes.
Signs of OCD
Pretty much perfect by my definition

we got to talking about our courses and everything and he appreciated my flash
this man is ultra-win.

and he works at some fish house in town, which is pretty big around here.

I was like, "What do you do for fun around here?"
He went on to talk about all these academic organizations he's in. And he's going into optometry and can technically get his 2 year credits to transefer by the third semester.
Likes boating[like every other person in this town], along with fishing and mixed martial arts.

The Perfect Nerd.

This kid is just the socially awkward bundle of perfect I need. I was beginning to worry I wouldn't find another tolerable human being down here.
Met some other people too.
One chic whose name I can't spell,something like: Laschum, who has a kid, but she was pretty kickass.
And some other chic named Hannah who was completely gorgeous.

But Ryan seems like the perfect balance of brain and boy.
Finally someone who understands what I'm talking about half of the time.

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